Logos and images subject to owner ©2025 : Charity reg, 1149523 : Legal entity, Social Enterprise, reg: 06796387 : CPD (training) accreditation, reg: 22737
Missing children unlawfully abducted from their parents
State benefits, Social services and privileges are bestowed on low income single mothers with young children
1) Local Councils, MPs, Women’s organisations, children's charities and law firms profit from prosecuting fathers
2) Perpetrators prey on single mothers with fatherless children
3) Women and their boyfriends claim the father's home, money, property and CSA payments
4) Babies and children unlawfully taken into Care, may be sold abroad for breeding stock
Prevent exploitation and exportation of children in Social Care
Law professionals, government and local authorities have shares in social services and adoption agencies trading local children in social care
Children taken into care are selected by their race, age and colouring; graded according to their value
Children with behaviour problems are sent to residential care homes owned by the same people and financed with £billions paid in Central Government grants
Criminal and savage abuse of children and young people
Crime, Domestic Abuse and sexual assault are not a gender problem; they are a cultural problem. Some regions have a ratio of one F/T Police Officer to 100,000 residents and little or no crime. Social Services try to support families, resulting in very few assaults or abuse cases of any kind
These regions are self-governing monocultures where everyone shares the same values and social responsibilities.
Converting this to a dangerous high-crime region, means creating a secret phone network of parents you know and trust, centred around their local school
We value our independence and integrity, allowing us to work without any Conflict of Interest. For your protection and ours, you will need an (SRA) Authorised Solicitor to access our services.
We are financed only by corporate pro-bono, public donations and charitable Trusts
We do not receive any financial support from Local Authorities, the Government or our recommended Solicitors